皆様Define.xmlのVariable levelのOriginにはどのように記載していますでしょうか。
Value levelに2つ分けて書くのはよいとして、
Variable levelに“CRF,eDT”と書くか、ブランクとするかで意見が分かれています。
SDTM IG Origin Metadataより
When both derived and collected values are reported in a field, the value-level metadata origin will indicate at the test level if the value is “Derived” or “CRF” and the variable-level metadata origin will list all types for that variable separated by commas (e.g., “Derived, CRF”).
So in your case, I propose that you do NOT add a def:Origin at the LBTESTCD level ItemDef, but provide one for each ItemDef at the value level ItemDef (one for each test). After that, the error should disappear. If it does not, please let us know.